financing income

financing income
доход от финансирования

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "financing income" в других словарях:

  • income tax — a tax levied on incomes, esp. an annual government tax on personal incomes. [1790 1800] * * * Levy imposed by public authority on the incomes of persons or corporations within its jurisdiction. In nations with an advanced system of private… …   Universalium

  • Income trust — An income trust is an investment trust that holds income producing assets. The term also designates a legal entity, capital structure and ownership vehicle for certain assets or businesses. Its shares or trust units are traded on securities… …   Wikipedia

  • Income Approach — A real estate appraisal method that allows investors to estimate the value of the property based on the income produced. The income approach is computed by taking the net operating income of the rent collected and dividing it by the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Federal financing for small businesses in Canada (grants and loans) — The Federal Government of Canada funds a number of programs and agencies that provide or facilitate financing for small businesses. Financing is available in the form of grants (sometimes called non repayable contributions ), loans, loan… …   Wikipedia

  • national income accounting — Set of principles and methods used to measure a country s income and production. There are two ways of measuring national economic activity: the expenditure approach, which measures the money value of the total output of goods and services in a… …   Universalium

  • Film and television financing in Australia — Film and TV financing in Australia over the past 30 years has involved a mixture of government support, distributor/ broadcaster involvement and private investment. To a significant extent, government policies have shaped the form and scale of… …   Wikipedia

  • Deferred financing cost — Deferred financing costs or debt issuance costs is an accounting concept meaning costs associated with issuing debt (loans and bonds), such as various fees and commissions paid to investment banks, law firms, auditors, regulators, and so on.… …   Wikipedia

  • Creative financing — is a term used widely amongst real estate investors to refer to non traditional means of real estate financing, or financing techniques not commonly used. The goal of creative financing is generally to purchase, or finance a property, with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Venture capital financing — To start a new company or to bring a new product to the market, the venture may need to attract financial funding. There are several categories of financing possibilities. If it is a small venture, then perhaps the venture can rely on family… …   Wikipedia

  • Debtor-in-possession financing — or DIP financing is a special form of financing provided for companies in financial distress or under Chapter 11 bankruptcy process. Usually, this security is more senior than debt, equity, and any other securities issued by a company. It gives a …   Wikipedia

  • Seller financing — is a loan provided by the seller of a property to the buyer, to cover part or all of the sale price. This process, also known as owner carry back or owner financing, is used in a variety of situations as a creative financing option. Examples are… …   Wikipedia

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